5 Social Media Habits You Need Right Now

It’s been a little over a year since we’ve officially gone into quarantine. 

So much has happened. While schedules have slowed down, a lot of new issues have come up. Both good and bad. 

Since being remote (which I so love for many personal reasons), I have the time to practice, work on my personal pursuits and be with family and friends. I even got more time back from not commuting. However, with quarantine, I recognize I have a LOT of time.

My screen time has increased nearly thrice the amount I was spending before quarantine. Even my time on social media has increased exponentially…and I’m not proud of it.

I also have time to overthink. Time to scroll passively online and be overwhelmed with content. I probably see about 50 – 100 photos and 8 – 15 videos per day online. I get constant updates. Negative news. Positive news. Life changes. I have time to compare, doubt myself and wonder what is my true purpose in life. Now while it is good to understand my purpose, I feel I’ve not been doing it the right way.

I sometimes use social media as a benchmark to understand what can be achieved but forget that the standards there are not necessarily the standards I should strive for.

It’s like taking alcohol (social media) with medicine (purpose) – you shouldn’t be mixing the two knowing that they will cause a reaction. 

I’ve been trying to be more aware of my online habits so I can be more peaceful, spend less time being overwhelmed and live a more fulfilling life.

As I reflect, I urge you to ask these five questions to yourself.

  1. Are you passively scrolling through pictures and posts online when bored?
  2. How much time are you spending on your social media/screen every day? 
  3. Are you comparing yourself to someone or some standard set by someone else?
  4. Are you overwhelmed by what you see and how much you see?
  5. Are you feeling a lack of focus, motivation or joy in your own life that you turn to social media/the screen but feel more empty after you consume content?

If most of your answers are “Yes” and you’re spending time online that doesn’t look good to you, then this is an excellent opportunity for change. This is the chance for you to take back control of your life so that you can be more satisfied and not allow social media/online content bother you.

Here’s how.

Unfollow/mute people whom you compare yourself to.

  • It’s really not worth ruining your peace of mind. Understand that social media is not real. In a world of filters and edits, being original and authentic is now becoming rare. Know that you are unique just the way you are – the world is more beautiful with you in it. You can also reframe your mind to believe that if people can achieve their dreams, then so can you. Nothing is impossible for a person who doesn’t give up, tries their best and strives for self-improvement. If you spend more time focusing on bettering yourself, you would be less bothered by what you see online.

Spend more time offline.

  • Easier said than done, I know. But time off can help you focus on your life, rediscover what makes your heart beat faster and make genuine connections with people outside of social media. I feel so much at peace whenever I take long breaks from social media and don’t feel like I am missing out from anything. After all, we all are constantly posting updates – it’s better to find out news in person or by calling someone than to see it online.

Take time to process life again.

  • I watched this TED Talk, and everything Dr. Cal Newport said resonated with me. I’m not going to lie, being online has made my attention span shorter. I feel I don’t have patience to look at things with appreciation like I used to. Going offline has helped me increase my tolerance and process what’s in front of me. I’m starting to take photos for my pleasure and not because I feel I should post it (but it’s still work in progress).

Be more productive when online.

  • Message kind words to a friend or a person who inspires you. It helps you feel much better about yourself and brightens someone else’s day. Another thing about being online is even though people post happy photos, you don’t really see how they feel. Maybe they are sad. Maybe they are stressed. Maybe they are going through something mentally but hide behind their beautiful photos. You don’t know unless you check up on them.

Spend more time on the quality of your talents/skills rather than the quantity of producing results just for metrics.

  • Something done well is better than something done in a rush. In the pursuit of performing and posting my performances online, I am able to practice more often. However, it hasn’t been the most fun process because of this pressure I’ve been putting on myself and worrying about what others think of my work. After exploring my feelings, I realized that I needed to slow down and perform for fun like I used to. I didn’t have a care in the world before about what others thought of my work until recently. But I have hope and belief that I can rediscover my love for performing again through time. I want to commit to doing things for me from here on out. Do less, achieve more. Do things that make you happy and help you progress in your journey – don’t worry about those metrics or receiving validation online for your work. Your work is important even if only one or two people like it. Strive for improvement more than anything else.

As we continue to stay indoors, it is so important that you focus on your your well-being, peace and the things that make you feel good. The habits you have now will have an impact on you tomorrow. Be wise about how you spend time online.

Restaurant/Outfit Details

I went to Rasika with my family and enjoyed lunch on a warm day in DC.

We were seated outside in a tent-like setting. I ordered the truffle dosa, which came with an amazing potato masala and chutney. I ordered the “Sania,” which is a pear-infused honey bourbon with lime and thyme. It was strong and tasty. I couldn’t resist ordering another truffle dosa, but this time I paired it with the “Sheela,” a rosemary and ginger honey vodka cocktail. It was lighter than the other one and more earthy. I would recommend this restaurant to visit for unique flavors and to enjoy in the Spring.

Top/Pants: Free People

Earrings: Kate Spade

Ring: Gucci

Me. Poojah.