A Sense Of Self-Worth

I want to talk about self-worth a bit. I’ve been doing some reading on what it means and how to achieve it. 

According to Psychalive, self-worth is how you value yourself as a person “inherently” (“who you are”) rather than your external factors (your actions). 

It’s brought me to a thought I’ve conveniently denied for many years: my sense of self-worth was based on the wrong thing(s).

Was I attaching someone’s validation to how I felt about myself or success/failures to how I viewed myself? 

The short answer: unfortunately, yes. 

What I should have really asked was, “Did I like who I am?”

For years, I believed that my grades determined if I was smart or successful…or if I was worthy of anything. This is a really hard truth I have come to face because it took me a long time to realize that these external things did NOT matter or determine who I was as a person. 

I’ve had many failures, but that didn’t mean that I was not capable of growth and improvement. Or that I didn’t deserve a second chance or good things. 

I was made fun of growing up – I have dealt with people’s opinions and perceptions of me. Years later, I have realized it doesn’t matter what they think or have said about me. 

If I liked me at the end of the day, no matter what I have done or what others said about me, that’s all that mattered. 

As I reflect and continue to self-improve, I realize that I do like who I am. I am capable of many great things; I value respect and honesty; I believe in happy things; and I genuinely care for the people around me.

So this blog post is dedicated to the old me and to remind myself and you, the reader, that self worth should not be based on these external factors. 

You have to like you for who you are as a person. You’re more than just your actions. You’re much more than what people think or say about you. 

Even the number of likes, follows, comments and views you get have nothing to do with your self-worth. It doesn’t matter if you get 10 likes or 10,000 likes. Your self-worth cannot be based on a number or how many people think you’re awesome.

It comes from within and how you feel about yourself. If you’re not valuing yourself or believing in your own magic, then these external sources will certainly disappoint you and not help you attain a positive image of yourself. Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves that because it’s easy to forget in a world that surrounds us with numbers and stats.

You’re still a beautiful, amazing person and someone who deserves great things in life.

Never forget that. 

Me. Poojah.