After The Holidays

Holidays this year are certainly different due to the pandemic.

Plans to celebrate with family and friends might be limited due to social distancing rules and travel restrictions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do some cool things within the vicinity of your home.

Here are some things to try after the holidays!

1. Start a gratitude journal.

Several years ago, I started a gratitude journal where I’ve been trying to write at least four to 10 things that I am thankful for. It’s been very instrumental to my inner peace, self-worth and happiness. I have been appreciating so many experiences and people in my life because I can’t imagine my life without them. It is those situations and people who have helped me to get to where I am today.

When I write what I am grateful for, I try to feel it as well. I think about the good moments associated with what I am grateful for and imagine what my life would be like without that.

It has never made sense to me why we are only thankful for one day of the year – why not everyday?

In fact, there is a correlation between gratitude and happiness – gratitude can also aid in bettering the quality of relationships as well as physical and emotional health (according to Harvard Health Publishing – “Giving thanks can make you happier”).

You can start your gratitude practice by even messaging a few people every week and telling them how thankful you are to have them in your life.

2. Start a routine.

I always looked forward to long weekends because of the opportunity to reset my routine. Sometimes I get so busy with deadlines that I end up not being able to do everything I want.

Rejuvenation during the time off can help you refocus. When you are well rested and relaxed, you can set some time to figure out what it is that you want to achieve and conceptualize how to go about doing so.

Once you have addressed the question of what you want to achieve, you can set a routine that can help you reach your goals. It is ideal to start small; once you are able to follow it, then add on to your list!

I got this new planner from Urban Outfitters on sale and am so excited to use this!

3. Exercise

It is no brainer that exercise is good for you in the long-run (no pun intended!) for your physical and mental health. Find what you like and if you want, change it up from time to time to break the monotony.

Maybe dance for 30 minutes, bike the next day, talk a walk or do yoga.

Do something to pump your heart and sweat.

4. Donate/give back to society

Every year, my family and I donate to different organizations that could benefit from these materials. This year, I donated a lot of my textbooks and books that gave me a lot of happiness. It was the thought that someone else could be happy as well that made me want to give these things away.

There are many in this world who don’t have the same opportunities or materials. This is an excellent time to donate and/or participate in community service. Giving back is amazing – not only can you empower someone but also feel better in the process.

Thanks to a friend who posted on her Instagram story, I found a few of these organizations that you could consider contributing to (plus some additional organizations I found online):

The Letter Project

Glamour Gals

SPCA International

Best Friends Animal Society

Humane Society International

5. Declutter

This goes hand-in-hand with the last point. My Mom and I spent a lot of time this weekend cleaning out old papers and boxes. It’s quite cathartic to make your space neat and organized.

Decluttering also allows for new things to come and brings you peace knowing that you are not holding on to old things that no longer serve a purpose.

After a holiday, we have to find our way back to productivity, a sense of purpose and a state of feeling good after a break. Not only will these ideas help you achieve that but also make you excited about your life!

Me. Poojah.