Cali Diaries: Part 2

We went for a nice walk around the neighborhood again in the morning. 

It feels great to see the life around me blooming and flowing with the winds of life. We’re so used to our settings, our views, our environment and our life that when we travel and see something new, it elicits wonder and marvel. It makes you think about the life outside of your comfort zone.

How life is so beautiful and familiar in many ways, yet very different overall.

Afterwards, we got ready and ate Pav Bhaji for lunch. 

My cousin, sister and I drove to San Francisco to do the one thing I absolutely love when traveling to California:

Visit Ghirardelli Square

My parents and aunt joined us, and we ate ice cream. We enjoyed the live music and the ambiance of the atmosphere.

Afterwards, we walked around and went along the Aquatic Park Cove. My cousin’s dog had the time of his life running around and jumping into the water.

My sister and I reflected as we saw the clouds mask the Golden Gate Bridge. We talked about what we felt in the moment and our lives. Travel makes us closer to each other and more in tune with our thoughts. It is these moments that I cherish the most!

The wind blew hard in our direction. Despite wearing a coat and pants, I was not prepared for the cold. 

We walked several blocks to eat Italian food before heading to our final destination for the evening:

Golden Gate Bridge!

We stopped near the bridge to see it at night. It was stunning to look at. 

Clouds tried to cover the bridge and cars drove towards their intended destinations. We stood at a high peak while looking at the bridge, which was so close….yet so far. It’s interesting because I feel whenever I drive on a bridge, it doesn’t feel that special. But when I see it from afar or when I see a bridge that stands over water or connects islands, I get very excited and nervous at the same time at the height and magnitude. It makes me astonished at how it could have been built and the hard work that was put in to design something so sturdy and glorious.

We drove on the bridge on our way back while listening to rap and Bollywood music.

Indeed another beautiful day spent.

Until then!

Me. Poojah.