Gravelly Point Reflections

What I’ve realized is some people will shrink you to fit the space they have created for you in their narrative. 

You might end being the villain of their story because they need someone to blame or project their insecurities onto. You may end up being considered “too much” or “do the most” even though you’re someone who has always loved giving or is trying to be proud of who you’ve become. You may be “rebellious” if you do something outside the norm and don’t follow traditions. You may be “lazy” or unmotivated if you don’t work towards a certain goal or are finally content with what you have. 

But the thing is, no one knows your story.  No one knows what you’ve been through, your personal struggles, your hard work, your dreams, your passions or anything…and still they’ll judge you.

That’s OK. Because you own your narrative and don’t have to live up to someone’s standards or expectations of who you’re supposed to be. 

Trying to be liked by people who have set their opinions about you or chasing after people to validate your existence gets pretty exhausting after a while.

Sometimes you’re enough without realizing it. 

Do what makes you happy.

If you triple or quadruple text someone, own it. If you cry when you watch films, own it. If you love being with family, own it. If you like being alone, own it. If dancing in the rain makes you happy, so be it. If your goal is a long way to go, so be it. If you want to be someone who doesn’t follow conventional journeys, so be it. If you like being challenged, so be it. 

Do what makes you happy.

If you’re not authentic or stay true to who you are, eventually your soul will get tired of the facade and feel lost because inside you know that’s not who you are. Our life is too short to adhere to someone else’s idea of who you’re supposed to be.

Be who you are because you’re all that ever matters. 

About Gravelly Point

Gravelly Point is a great place in Virginia to visit. I would recommend getting some chairs, a blanket or something comfortable to sit on to enjoy the views. Consider bringing snacks, music, sunscreen and bug spray to complete the day.

Near the airport and the Washington Monument, this cute place is great for celebrating with friends, gazing at the sky for planes and having a nice day outside. It’s better to go on a weekday, since parking can get filled up pretty quickly. 

Me. Poojah.