How To Surprise Yourself

I really surprised myself here.

I did not realize that I could actually jump like that – my sister took about a million pictures of me jumping with my legs nearly touching my back. At one point, we had a good laugh because I actually fell and landed on my knees.

I guess what really surprised me was that I was able to move my body that way and was more flexible than I gave myself credit for. All these years of dancing did help.

It made me realize that we have these secret abilities; sometimes, these abilities are unknown to us and when we explore who we are, we can actually discover what we possess.

Here’s how to surprise yourself:

Do something you’ve never done before.

Whether it’s that Pilates class or instrument you’ve been meaning to pick up, do something out of your comfort zone. You might realize that you have the ability and passion for what you try out. And, it leads to feeling good about yourself when you can add to your skillset or experiences.

One of the things that I pushed myself to do in college was to interview people for stories and papers. I was a shy girl and didn’t talk to a lot of people because I was so afraid I’d say something silly or get judged. By interviewing people, I was able to work on improving my communication and networking skills. I became more confident in my role as a student reporter, and I made some friends along the way!

Let go of your inhibitions and just do something without thinking about what you have to get done or any insecurities you may have.

It’s easy to get in your own head. You get pulled into this vortex of thoughts filled with what you have to do or your inability to do something. If you cut the noise and block out those negative thoughts for just a minute, you might actually gain some cool experiences in the process. If you make a mistake, the beauty is that you gained a life lesson and can work towards improving.

I once signed up to participate in a fashion show a couple years ago.

I freaked out.

I thought I was out of my mind to do so (given that it was my first time doing something like that). I thought I would fall and make a fool out of myself.

But with guidance from YouTube, practicing my walk in high heels and getting encouragement from my parents, I pulled it off. Had I allowed my negative thoughts to drive me, I probably wouldn’t have participated at all.

You have to realize your negative thoughts are just thoughts. They don’t need to carry weight when you have decided to be determined.

Me. Poojah.