Lake Tahoe Diaries: Part 2

Today was our final day at Lake Tahoe.

I decided to dress a little formal because I thought we really weren’t going to hike since we were going back to California (which meant spending a lot of time in the car). 

I was wrong. 

After a fabulous breakfast of omelette, fruits, potatoes and carrot juice, my parents and I went for a mini hike. We saw the rocks and shades of blue water as people went paddle-boating and kayaking.

We went back to the hotel to check out and bring my sister, who stayed back for a class assignment. 

It was here that we set off for Emerald Bay.

We arrived after driving for about an hour or so. It was so ethereal to look at. Trees surrounded the water, and the water felt so far away given that we were driving on a peak. 

We parked the car and went on a trail. At first it seemed like it was just a bunch of rocks overlooking the water. But when we walked further, we saw that there was a trail. 

After a joyous moment of sitting peacefully on the rocks, I joined my family on the trail, which lead to the beach. 

We walked downhill and finally arrived at the beach. It was so cool how we were at the top and then we came to the bottom. The views in both places were stunning.

But let me tell you, the walk back up was no joke. It was hot, and the trail had an incline. I recommend you wear proper shoes for the beach and hiking and pack water/protein bars so you don’t get tired. 

We went back up to the car and left.

We found some places for coffee, cookies and pizza after the long hike. Finally, we started our journey back to California in the sunset.

Top: H&M

Pants: Lululemon

Visiting new places, especially that involve nature, really brings you in tune with who you are and how you perceive the world. Every time I’m reminded of how beautiful our Earth is and how much there is to explore.

Me. Poojah.